Pakistan Economic and Social Review - Lahore


School of Economics, University of the Punjab, Lahore
ISSN (print): 1011-002X
ISSN (online): 2224-4174


  • Muhammad Ahmed Awan/
  • Shuja Waqar/
  • Baber Amin/
  • June 30, 2024
Crime, serious assault, theft, education, urbanization, rule of Law

The transitory nature of trends in crime, politics, and socioeconomic conditions triggers the need to update and recalibrate the existing relationship, otherwise, crime prevention policies based on dated findings would be superseded and not produce the desired results. This study examines the role of the prevailing socioeconomic structure, functioning of the justice system, and political factors in the incidence of criminal activities, using the interdisciplinary conceptual framework The panel data modeling, and the Generalized Method of Moments estimation techniques are used to estimate the impact of policing, prison population, average income, education, urbanization, and rule of law on crime rate in the sample of 95 countries. For more insight, the study also estimates the influence of these factors for four different regions American, European, Asian, and African countries. The empirical findings of the study document a positive association of crime with economic incentives measured by average income and a negative association with education attainment. A similar relationship between these variables is also confirmed at the disaggregate level. The political factor measured by the rule of law has negatively influenced crime in the regional analysis and remains insignificant at the aggregate level. Likewise, the functioning and access of the justice system are considered to be negatively related to crime, as the coefficient of the policing is negative and significant in most of the cases. To craft a multilateral and effective crime prevention policy development, all three important factors need to be considered equally and not looked at in isolation.


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Professor of Economics Department of Economics Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) Lahore



Department of Economics Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) Lahore


Lecturer in Economics Department of Economics Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) Lahore


Lecturer in Economics School of Economics International Institute of Islamic Economics International Islamic University, Islamabad



Type: Articles
Volume: 62
Issue: 1
Language: English
Id: 66ed479b620a0
Pages 1 - 31
Discipline: Economics
Published June 30, 2024


  • 179
  • 78
  • 85


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